"When we feel powerless, art is a way to make things happen. By putting our hopes into art, certain realities can come true."
- Nina Miranda, I-D Magazine

'A mere 40 seconds into this Brazilian/English artist's debut solo album and you’ll be won over. ****
Songlines Magazine.
" Brave, original, very London, very now"
Paul Bradshaw Straight No Chaser
"Freedom of Movement " Album review
Since 1997 I've been lead singer with 5 different bands,
releasing 8 albums to critical acclaim.
I've had the pleasure of working and collaborating with
a glorious array of musicians; writing, recording and performing across the globe.
I am also a visual artist working in design, film and fine art.

I loved recording my first Solo Album,
'FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT' for Six Degrees Records.
Apart from working in great studios in London and Rio, I got a studio set up at home that allowed me to record some songs from scratch, and while-away gratifying hours getting the arrangements and mixes just how I wanted them.
I relished the freedom of master-minding it's content,
co- writing with musicians old and new
calling-in a kaleidoscopic array of talent to studio and stage.
My live band is fluid, rhythmic and without borders
I relish performing in new combinations and situations;
my usual band is a 6 piece, nice and groovy full of interlocking melodies and rhythmic jams.
I also enjoy the focus and intimacy of playing as a duo or trio.
My father is Brazilian, and my mother is English, they are both painters.
I was born in Brazil, and moved to London, with my Mother and siblings when I was eight. I also spent time living in France and frequently return to Brazil.
Brazil has been a constant inspiration in my music, but the cosmopolitan city of London where I am based, keeps my music diverse and multi-faceted with an urban edge.
I am grateful for the International life- education I received and the world-wide perspective that my travels have given me. I believe that my experience as feeling 'an outsider' has had a huge impact on my philosophy. Empathy, freedom of expression, curiosity, connection and wonder are key to a life well-lived.
As well as being a musical conduit for the exciting energy of urban life, I like to channel pastoral vibes, watery vistas, midnight jungles and dusty deserts, huge and intimate landscapes of space and sound.

on Gilles Peterson's Worlwide 'Sonzeira' session

Nina's music has been used on dance scores, films, TV and advertising worldwide such as Levi’s, Clarks Shoes, CSI Miami, Eastenders, Lipstick Jungle, Love Hotel and The Divorce, Nip/Tuck and Ghost Perfume.

Nina Miranda & Chris Franck-
Photo by Steve Franck.
Zeep Live at BBC studios for Gilles Peterson Worldwide session

Sweatmouth; - Was this the first trip-Hop outfit ever?
'Read My Hips' & 'Going The Whole Hog'
on Rhythm and Business 1992
I wrote and sang laid-back raps in portuguese and english over hip hop beats,
sampled Jazz and Bossa, live acoustic guitar, horns and percussion.
The collective included other singers and rappers.

In Music, Dentro da música.
Childhood memories...
Lying in the living room in our family house if Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil.
A record on the turntable, Carmen Miranda, Noel Rosa, The Beatles, Osibisa, Chuck Berry, The Band, Paulinho da Viola, Billy Holiday, John Coltrane... My father Luiz Aquila, Painting.. and his paintings all around, and my Mother Liz Miranda running around like a nutter, then painting too, painting my father and her dreamscapes, mixing up her memories of England with her new adventures in the jungles of Brazil, her first kiss, her swims with giant fishes..
Watching the dust in the atmosphere dance golden in the shafts of light that came in on the right, would bathe in those patches of sun, the best spot in our dark damp house surrounded by banana trees, and plants with prickles that ooze white sap when cut or pricked, with the tiniest velvety red flowers on top.
Outside our mongrel "Flor" - "Flower" barked ferociously at any postman who dared come near.
Often we would have our parents friends round, with their children if they had any.. most didn't, I'm the middle of three.. we got on with the adults. These adults were so relaxed.. and I loved listening to them talk with the records playing, as I climbed in and out of Dads legs and popped my fingers through his smoke rings while he sat and talked for hours... On these occasions we served Gouda-like cheese (Queijo Prato, plate cheese) cut in cubes and splashed with Worcester sauce (Molho ingles) and served on cocktail/ tooth picks.